Soul Action Café
Held at Christ Church
Soul Action Cafe is a church youth group for children from 11-18 years old.
We meet fortnightly on a Sunday evening during term time for fun and fellowship.
Our sessions cover different topics each week. We recently looked at love and trust. During our session on trust we built an obstacle course, showing an example of what is was like to put your trust in someone else and then related this to putting our trust in God.
In April this year we completed our annual trip to Min-y-Don, a Christian Adventure Centre. The children participated in activities such as crate climbing and raft building.
If you want to come along to one of our sessions please contact Jenny Welsby on
Christian Resources
Lumo project
The Bible Society
The Journey through the Bible in 3½ Minutes series - Bible Society
Scripture Union
Resource Centre | Scripture Union
Peer Mag
6 Christian TikTok Creators To Follow For Biblical Encouragement (
The Bible Project
Study the Story of the Bible With Free Tools | BibleProject™
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
Useful contacts - 11-18 year old's mental health - Mind
Young Minds
Mental Health Support For Young People | YoungMinds
Child and adult mental health rseources
WEBSITES | CAMHS Resources (
The Lilly Jo Project